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Dr. Greg Anderson's
Procedure and Policy Manuals


"I used to say that when it came to office policy and procedure manuals that there were only three kinds of practices:  those that had them and those that didn’t. 

Requiring clarification, those that had them actually comprised two groups:  those that created their own and those that were using someone else’s.  We have endeavored over the years to encourage our clients to create their own out of their knowledge and experience by giving them help in the form of bits from other client materials in the annual updates. 

But, Dr. Anderson has done such a brilliant and comprehensive job in creating his office policy and procedure manuals that we have gotten his permission to make them available to you at a nominal price.  While you will see some of our strategies and concepts, these manuals are pure Greg and pure genius.  In spite of my prodding, few will undertake this project.  Greg undertook the project and, after literally dozens of man-hours, created a comprehensive set of files on disc so you can choose what you want, edit and print."
Dr. Steve Hoffman

The manuals includes sections on:

Office Policies
    Job descriptions
    Office behavior
    Staff meetings and more..

Office Procedures
    Over 50 specific, defined and explained office procedures

Office Forms
    Wellness Fees
    New Patient Call in form
    Adult, child and pediatric history forms
    Financial policy
    Fee worksheets
    And more…

In MS Word Format and instantly downloadable.